$215,000 raised

$215,000 total gift

200+ sessions

We have funded over 200+ sessions since September 2022

350+ donations

Over 350 donations and counting

3% expenses

97% of the funds raised goes directly to helping individuals


Life update.

Over the past 6 months I have been aggressively trying to fix something that has affected me for well over 10 years now. I think I am finally at the other side of it.

The weakness of my voice has always been my greatest obstacle. Whatever physical conditions caused it are somewhat unknown, but its impact on me could not be overstated. I avoided nearly all social situations that came up in my life. I would isolate myself because trying to talk to others would be too difficult, especially in loud areas. I grew very tired of straining my voice just to have others barely hear me.

There were days when my voice would completely shut down while I was still expected to attend classes and go to work.
In hindsight, I should have been more self aware and allowed myself to accept that I was in a unique situation. But in reality I was very hard on myself for being “too introverted”. I never saw my voice as the reason behind my isolation even though it absolutely was.

I have sought medical help in the past, but they always ended up being rabbit holes that led nowhere.

But this year I realized that if I don’t figure this out, I will live like this for the rest of my life. I went to several doctors, ENT’s, and contacted many speech therapists who said they could not help me. I finally found a place that specializes in my very unique situation, and they even partnered with a non-profit that covered the costs of my sessions.
I’m going to leave a link where you can donate if you want, because they are the real deal and they did not hesitate to give me all the assistance I needed.

These sessions have brought strength back to my voice. I am not done yet, but every day has been filled with small victories. My current job requires me to speak often and sometimes in loud environments.

This past week, I was able to speak clearly and easily in all situations. I am now trying to let go of old fears that l’ve held onto for so long.

I thank God for directing me on this path of healing, and just excited to continue to get better!

– L.T.

Jennifer Gill Adults Voice Evaluation and Speech Evaluation, Portland Oregon.

Bjorn This Way Impact Award

We are proud to recognize our annual recipient(s) of the Bjorn This Way Impact Award. The Impact Award honors individual(s) who have contributed significantly to clinical care and through their efforts are making a substantial impact on the lives of those with speech-language pathology needs.

Previous Impact Award Recipients

Avery Dixon is a saxophone extraordinaire, America’s Got Talent Finalist, America’s Got Talent All-Star finalist, and an advocate against bullying. He was born prematurely, leading to medical conditions including a Posterior Keyhole Aperture (hole in his vocal cord), which affects his vocal cords and makes his voice raspy. Despite his medical complications, he beats all odds by playing the saxophone! Avery is the founder of “GraceNotes & Totes (https://www.averydixongracenotes.com/),” a charity that provides NICU families of preemie babies with essential supplies such as preemie diapers, wipes, clothes, and blankets to Emory Decatur Hospital.

Edie R. Hapner, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow is professor of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, co-director of the UAB Voice Center, and director of speech and hearing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Among her honors, Dr. Hapner was named the George W. Barber Jr., Foundation Endowed Professor in 2021, ASHA Fellow in 2019, Associate Fellow of the American Laryngological Association, and Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice. Dr. Hapner served on the ASHA Board of Directors from 2014 to 2016, was the ASHA Convention co-chair in 2020 and 2022, and served on the Coordinating Committee of Special Interest Group 3, Voice and Voice Disorders from 2006 to 2013. Dr. Hapner has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and six book chapters on voice and voice disorders, and she is the co-editor of Voice Therapy: Clinical Case Studies. She is the co-developer of Phonation Resistance Training Exercises (PhoRTE®), a systematic program of respiratory and phonatory overload to treat the aging voice.